Membership, training, private training services for the Queensland Real Estate industry.


Thank a Property Manager Day

Thank a Property Manager Day Friday 29th November 2024

Thank a Property Manager Day is a day 'invented' by Stacey Holt in 2012. A day that is long overdue to celebrate.  The day is usually celebrated on the last Friday of November each year.

The next date is Friday 29th November 2024.  A day for all to stop, think, and celebrate the wonderful role property managers play in our industry, communities and society.  Organise a breakfast, lunch, morning tea, something, and stop, reflect,  and say thank you career managers of tenancy and property. Even if you have to thank yourself (if that is the case, contact me and I will thank you!).

 Special one-day training event Thank a Property Manager Day 29th November - Register here (session plan not yet finalised).

I would love to see your photos of your celebration!  Thank you.

#thankapropertymanager #thankapropertymanagerday #thankapropertymanagerday2024



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